Simple Sweet Potato Fritters Recipe

Simple Sweet Potato Fritters Recipe :-The exterior of these sweet potato fritters, which are made with only five ingredients, is crisp, while the interior is tender. In addition to being relatively easy to prepare, they are an excellent complement to any meal! If you want to make a great appetiser or side dish, serve them with sour cream or yoghurt over them .The first time I ever experienced these mouthwatering fritters was ten years ago, when I went to a quaint café called Orna & Ella, which was located close to my home. The good news is that it is a dish that can be easily prepared at home, which is one of the reasons why it continues to be one of their most popular recipes. When I serve it as an appetiser, I like to combine it with a mixture of finely chopped green herbs, chives, or spring onions and mix it with yoghurt or sour cream.



Simple Sweet Potato Fritters Recipe


Ingredients :

  • 500 g peeled sweet potatoes
  • ¾ tablespoon soy sauce
  • ⅓ – ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt , or more as needed
  • Pinch of freshly ground black pepper



Instructions :

  • The sweet potatoes should be placed in a large pan, then covered with water, and brought to a boil. Cook for approximately twenty minutes, or until the vegetables are soft. Run off.
  • A potato masher should be used to mash the potatoes once they have been transferred to a big bowl. In order to blend the ingredients, add half a cup of flour along with the remaining components.
  • If necessary, add additional salt to the dish. Adding more flour is necessary if the mixture is extremely sticky. In order to prevent the fritters from sticking to your hands, it is recommended that you shape them with wet hands.
  • A small amount of butter (or oil) should be added to a frying pan and heated over medium-low heat until it completely covers the surface.
  • Use wet hands to shape the fritter dough into discs measuring two inches or five centimetres in diameter.
  • Cook until the surface is golden brown, then flip it over and continue cooking the other side. Serve when still heated.


How to make sweet potato fritters :

  1. Put sweet potatoes that have been peeled and sliced into pieces into a big pot, fill them with water, and bring them to a boil. Cook for approximately twenty minutes, or until the vegetables are soft. Once it is done, remove the water from the pot.
    Using a potato masher, mash the sweet potatoes once they have been transferred to a large bowl.
  2. A mixture of flour, soy sauce, salt, and pepper should be added and mixed together. If necessary, add additional salt to the dish. Adding more flour is necessary if the mixture is extremely sticky.
  3. The patties can be fried by adding some butter (or oil) to a pan over medium-low heat, just enough to cover the surface of the ingredients.
  4. Use wet hands to shape the fritter dough into discs measuring two inches or five centimetres in diameter. Place in the oil that is heated.
  5. Cook until the surface is golden brown, then flip it over and continue cooking the other side. Serve when still heated.



Toppings for fritters :

  • These are some of my favourite things to serve with cut chives and sour cream or yoghurt.
  • A little bit of tahini, teriyaki sauce, or even maple syrup might be drizzled over them as an additional topping option. It is possible to serve them as an appetiser or a side dish with any meal, including brunch!



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