Ultimate Roast Potatoes For Easter Day 2024 

Green Cutlery
White Scribbled Underline

This easy-to-follow recipe will make sure your roasties are great for Sunday lunch or even Christmas dinner. They will have a crisp outside and a fluffy middle.



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– 1kg Maris Piper potatoe – 100g duck or goose fat  – 2 tsp flour – Sea salt flakes, to serve


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Place a baking dish big enough for all the potatoes in one layer in the oven and heat it to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6.

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Flour Bowl

Step 1


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To make 4 even-sized pieces from a 1 kg potato, cut it in half. For smaller potatoes, cut it into two or three pieces that are about 5 cm across.

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Flour Bowl

Step 2

Put the potatoes in a big pan and add just enough water to cover them. Wait for the water to boil after you add the salt. Once the water starts to boil, turn down the heat, set a timer, and cook the potatoes uncovered for two minutes while stirring them around a lot. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 3

Heat the hot roasting pan in the oven for a few minutes to make it really hot. Then, add 100g of duck or goose fat or 100ml of olive oil. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 4

Put the potatoes in a sieve and drain them. Then, shake the colander back and forth a few times to make the outsides fluffy. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 5

If you want to make them more even, sprinkle them with 2 teaspoons of flour and give them another shake or two.

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Flour Bowl

Step 6

When you carefully add the potatoes to the hot fat, they will pop. Then, turn them over and roll them around to cover all sides. Make sure they have a lot of room and spread them out in a single row. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 7

After 15 minutes, take the potatoes out of the oven and flip them over. After 15 minutes, flip them over and roast for another 15 minutes. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 8

Put them back in the oven for another 10 to 20 minutes, or until they are really golden and crisp. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 9

Which is good because the colouring will be all over the place. Sprinkle the sea salt flakes on top, and serve right away. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 10

Also see

Coconut & Banana Pancakes For Easter Day 2024 

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