Greek Roast Lamb For Easter Day 2024 

In spring, you don't want to slave over a hot oven, so make the most of seasonal lamb with this slow roast.


– 1 large leg of lamb, about 3kg/6lb 8oz – 6 garlic cloves – 1 bunch oregano – zest and juice 1 lemon – 6 tbsp olive oil – 1 ½kg new potatoes – 400g can chopped tomato – large handful pitted baby kalamata olives


Step 1

Heat oven to 240C/fan 220C/gas. 9. After pounding garlic, half the oregano, lemon zest, and a bit of salt in a pestle and mortar, add lemon juice and olive oil. 

Step 2

Stab the lamb all over with a sharp knife, then stuff the holes with herb paste.

Step 3

Roast the lamb with the potatoes for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. 

Step 4

Roast for 1 hour 15 minutes for medium-rare lamb, 15 minutes more for medium. Toss potatoes and baste lamb twice with juices. 

Step 5

Remove the lamb from the tin and let it rest when done. Add the remaining oregano to the potatoes, scoop from the tin, and heat.

Step 6

Simmer the pan juices with the canned tomatoes and olives in the roasting tin over medium heat for a few minutes. Serve lamb with potatoes, sauce, and a simple salad.


Pineapple Upside Down Cake For Easter Day 2024