Savory Herb Shortbread And Party Recipe

Green Cutlery
White Scribbled Underline

Shortbread crackers flavoured with savoury herbs are the ideal complement to a glass of wine or your preferred mixed drink.



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– 1 1/4 cups flour – 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese – 2 Tbsp finely minced rosemary leaves, (If you like you can mince the rosemary right in the food processor first) – 1/2 tsp salt – 1/4 tsp fresh cracked black pepper – 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temperature – whole herbs for laminating onto the dough


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Mix flour, cheese, rosemary, salt, and pepper in a food processor. Add soft butter chunks and pulse 30 times to make a crumbly mixture.  

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Flour Bowl

Step 1


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The dough should come together in 30 seconds to a minute. The dough may not come together, so add 1/2 tsp of water to the basin and process again. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 2

Turn the dough onto plastic wrap and form a nice flat disc like pie crust dough. Smooth, homogenous dough without dry flour should be used.  

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Flour Bowl

Step 3

Hand-knead if needed. Wrap the disc in plastic and chill for an hour. Heat the oven to 350F. Roll dough to 1/4–1/8 thickness. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 4

Using two waxed paper sheets works perfectly without adhering. Lay herbs on dough with room between to laminate them. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 5

Cover the dough with waxed paper and softly roll with a rolling pin to press the herbs into it. Cut circles with a 2-inch cookie cutter. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 6

Remove dough to baking sheet. Reform and roll leftover dough until all is utilised. Bake the shortbread for 10-15 minutes until the edges are just turning pale golden.  

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Flour Bowl

Step 7

Transfer to a rack after cooling on the pan for a few minutes. Shortbread firms up when cooled. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 8

Also see

Fresh Strawberry Shortbread Cookies Recipe 

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