Fresh Mint Chip Ice Cream Recipe

Green Cutlery
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Prepared with fresh mint leaves and dark chocolate, Fresh Mint Chip Ice Cream is the perfect summer treat. This is the best mint chip ice cream I've ever had due to the refreshing mint flavour and extra dark chocolate.



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– 1 cup heavy cream – 2 cups half and half – 1 large handful fresh mint leaves, about 1 cup, lightly packed – 4 egg yolks – 1/2 cup sugar – 4 ounces dark chocolate – 2 teaspoons neutral oil, canola, sunflower


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Heat cream and half-and-half in a saucepan till simmering. Add mint leaves, cover, and soak for 2 hours off the heat. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 1


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Whisk egg yolks with sugar and set aside. Strain the mint leaves from the cream, return it to the saucepan, and add the egg yolk mixture. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 2

Return to the burner and whisk constantly over low-medium heat until the liquid thickens and coats the spoon. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 3

Remove any cooked egg yolk by straining again, then chill overnight. Churn as directed by your ice cream maker. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 4

While ice cream is churning, melt dark chocolate and oil in the microwave or double boiler and combine until smooth. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 5

Once the ice cream is almost done churning, pour the chocolate in a thin stream over it and break up any large bits with a spoon. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 6

Place in freezer-safe container and freeze for several hours before serving. 

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Flour Bowl

Step 7

Also see

Vegan Rainbow Spring Rolls For Easter Day 2024 

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